Wednesday, September 21

How to Generate Free MLM Leads

It just doesn't matter which search engine you use, Google, Yahoo, Bing or any of the others you are sure to find pages of results for firms offering "free MLM leads", it is not peculiar to discover a lead generation company offering up to 10,000 free MLM leads. 

The process of getting these leads is easy. All you have got to do is finish a short form with your name and an email address and you are sent a link where you can download your list.

But hold on, what are you getting? Though you are likely excited to get your new leads, are you sure you are going to get qualified leads? Probabilities are, none of these leads are aimed at your audience, and you may even find your own name on the list!

Free MLM Leads? So you prefer Quantity To Quality? 

A certified lead is worth its weight in gold, give it some thought, is a firm really going to give away such valuable information as the name of someone that is actively looking to start their own business?

Giving away such a valuable lead doesn't make any sense.

Well they don't. They get something in return.

What they get in turn is your contact info and before you know it your name and email address have been sold to every Tom Dick and Harry under the sun, be ready to be bombarded with e-mails daily from many corporations that you have no interest in.

Even if that was not true, in your case, understand that not all mlm leads are created equal. For instance there is a huge difference in quality between a co-registration leads and a telephone verified, long-form surveyed lead. A co-registration lead is often nothing more than the name and e-mail of someone that completed a form to have the chance to win something free. Whereas a phone verified lead might have basically responded to a real business proposition ad and where then called and surveyed to judge their want and ability to actually start a home based business.

The Best Free MLM Leads 

Generating your own leads thru the foundations of attraction promoting is the simplest way to generate a top quality fresh lead. And you don't have to go in the red to do it unless you want to.

For example, write a short informative article that addresses the needs or concerns of your target audience. Place a call to action in the body of your article. Publish and promote. Then let the folks that are actively looking for your product or service or internet marketing opportunity find you and initiate a relationship.

Forums, blogs, and other social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn are excellent places to find an audience.

Make friends, offer your expertise, be helpful and brand yourself by turning into a useful and regular contributor. Attraction selling works by promoting yourself at first, pushing your product comes later when folks have learned how to trust and like you.

After a while you will have created relationships with individuals that are really enthusiastic about your product and opportunity, and via attraction promoting you have truly created your own qualified MLM leads.

Dan Armor

P.S. If you would like more information along with free coaching and guaranteed results, send me a note or Click Here.

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