Friday, September 30

Best Multi Level Marketing Opportunities in Canada

MLM Canada
There are hundreds of MLM companies in Canada. Here is a shortcut to helping you find them.

A major hurdle to locating a mlm company doing business in Canada stems from the lack of a central listing of these companies. Most MLMs operating the United States are also open for business in Canada.

To help you find that perfect MLM Canada opportunity, we have compiled a few quick resource links for you to check out.

MLM Companies in Canada - The CMA Org

Marketing Facts 2011 is a compendium of statistical information compile from over 38 well-known industry resources by the Canadian Marketing Association. This report offers a fairly up-to-date peek into the MLM industry.

This report is perhaps best suited for individuals looking to start a new distributor company or for those interested in discovering how best to position their products or services within the market place. If you are a CMA member in good standing, you can secure a summary report of only $250. Not a member? Be prepared to bust out $625 for the full report.

MLM Canada - Party Plan Opportunities 

While traditional network marketing focuses on recruiting and wholesale product sales, home party plans are more retail sales oriented. Women and stay-at-home moms are especially attracted to home party plan opportunities. provides a directory of home party plan companies.

Three of the largest home party plan MLM companies in Canada include Mary Kay (for cosmetics), Avon (for jewelry) and Heritage Makers.. Candles, greeting cards, art, jewelry, cosmetics, cooking, cookware - you name it and you can find a home party plan just for you.

Well-Known MLM Canada - the DSA 

Perhaps the best resource to get more information about specific mlm companies operating in Canada can be found on the Canadian Direct Sellers Association site.

While the CMA seem to be in business to make a profit at your expense, the DSA offers much of the same information absolutely free of charge to members and non-members like. Simply click over and you'll find news, industry stats and other valuable tid bits of insider information. Did you catch that? The information is free to both members and non-member alike,

Canadian Companies - Building a Real Business - Guaranteed!

You narrowed down the choice and have finally picked a MLM company in Canada to hang your hat on. So what is your plan now?

And you do need a plan if you are serious about making a profit with your new business. In particular, you need a marketing plan. Plain and simple. You must master marketing to make a profit.

There are top income earners in every company, and the difference that makes all the difference between enjoying massive success or wallowing in mediocrity can be summed in one word: marketing.

Your circle of influence is the best place to begin promoting your new business. Hold a grand opening. Call. Send cards. Make an announcement. But eventually this well will run dry. Then what's the plan?

Do you have a plan of action for this eventuality? Are you clear on the exact steps you will need to take to keep your business in the black?

Combine the world wide reach of the internet with the lead generation power of direct response, add a touch of high-value, and you now have what is called attraction marketing. A simple, yet powerful way to grow your business. Executed correctly, a good direct response attraction marketing system will produce your business with a steady stream of ready-to-do-business customers and potential business partners on a regular basis.

Visit this site to see exactly how easy it is to get started with attraction marketing and to take your new MLM Canada business to the next level.

To your success, 
Dan Armor

MLM Prospecting Systems that are Proven To Work

So as to build a particularly rewarding and successful social marketing business, you'll have to focus on lead generation, you can do it by using an MLM prospecting system.

Why MLM Prospecting Systems Are Important 

In the world of affiliate marketing, you are paid a commission for each service that 
you can sell, but in internet promotion you can earn money from selling product, and also earn rewards from the sales of your team or downline.
MLM Prospecting Systems

So now you not only get paid on personal sales, you also earn an income on the sales of everyone on your team.

So while you could be able to produce just a couple of hundred bucks of sales a month, your team might be able to produce tens of thousands, even many thousands of dollars in volume which produces a pleasant, highly leveraged passive income.

It really reduces down to the concept of lots of folks each doing a little that adds up to rather a lot.

That's the magic of network marketing, and you'll only benefit from that sorcery when you focus on MLM prospecting systems and one to one inducting.

So what are these Prospecting Systems? 

It is suggested that in network marketing you spend at least eighty percent of your time hiring or sponsoring other people into your opportunity, this is the only way you will harvest large monetary benefits from multilevel promoting. Significant incomes can be earned in MLM by having a massive and successful downline, who in turn will induct and sponsor other groups below them.

So what does an MLM prospecting system do precisely? It is simply a way of marketing your opportunity to others who may be interested in learning more, and by utilizing a straightforward display and by enlightening them about your opportunity it is easy to get a call thereafter. It's a yes or no answer. And that's it. That is how social marketing recruitment goes.

Understand that running a successful MLM business is done by using the strategies that work for you. 

Many successful marketing specialists have made substantial incomes via face to face contact with friends, family, and people they know. Some have built substantial enterprises by inviting groups of people to their homes, or renting conference halls and presenting the chance to hundreds of people at once .

Some attain success by purchasing qualified MLM leads, and validating them themselves. A few of the people place ads. The new way to attract others into internet marketing opportunities is via the Web.

The sole successful prospecting system, if you consider it, is the one that works best for you. If you can diversify and use a mix of different strategies then that can guarantee your success.

Do you know lots of people? Are you good at public speaking? If standing in front of 1000 folk scares you to death, then obviously do not do it.

Do you like picking up the phone and talking to people who may have expressed an interest in beginning their own network marketing business? You may love going through leads and talking on the telephone, you can even be one of the rare folks who really enjoys cold calling!

If you detest doing this, like most people, then you'll quickly stop prospecting and recruiting and quit, so do not do it.

If you are ready to spend the time building a website, driving traffic and waiting a bit for results, then online promoting is your calling. There are tons of MLM prospecting systems that can be found online that may aid you in creating qualified leads, and which can produce sorely-needed money flow, regardless of whether they join your opportunity this is rather like putting your business on auto-pilot.

Here is the one we suggest. My Lead System Pro. I works the best for me. Check it out and give it a test drive.

Dan Armor

Thursday, September 29

Social Network Marketing Where Is It Going?

One of the hottest and profit-making ways to earn money on the web today is by utilizing social networking. 

Many individuals are making thousands of dollars a month using this strategy, but plenty more are not making any money at all . 

You cannot roam carelessly into social network marketing without knowing a few things to attain true success. 
Social Network Marketing

Social Network Marketing Systems 

You have to keep an eye fixed on the competition and that means following and watching what your competitors are doing, call it spying if you will, but it's the easiest way to discover the reason for their achievement. 

You will encounter the same successful people on social networking sites consistently. Because it's a "social" platform, it needs constant attention. It is the complete opposite of having a website. The word "social" means interacting with others. 

If you have a personal Facebook page where you are interacting with your buddies all of the time, you may understand that interaction, you are being social. 

If you want to establish a business on Facebook for instance, then it is really good idea to keep your business totally separate from your personal webpage. No one is going to take your business seriously if your pals post stuff like "yeah swinging party yesterday evening, you were drunk as hell." 

See what I am saying? A certain quantity of people are not going to buy something from you if they believe that you are an irresponsible drunk. So keep it separate and brand yourself, even if it means you have a business character and a very different social character. 

Social Network Marketing using Video 

One of the best techniques of earning is via YouTube, it is one of the most well liked platforms today, so if you're going to get into social network marketing, you had better learn the way to make good videos and show your face! 

If you are camera-shy then you are going to have to get over it, if you do not have a clue about the correct way to make videos, then learn. 

There are loads of programs out there to help, of course , making videos has become a vital component of marketing today, in e-mails, on social network sites and on web sites. 

By utilizing video as a platform you are emulating the old-fashioned way of marketing face to face when people used to go out and do demonstrations at the mall, or have Mary Kay parties in their homesthe key is the face to face part, people learn to like you and then trust you. 

In layman's terms social marketing is attraction marketing. 

Even when you post a picture of yourself somewhere, make sure you're smiling! Hiding behind a Gravatar will do zilch for private branding. 

People want to know you, who you are and what you are about. Yes you'll get into a little of that if you plug your business through social network sites, but keep you and your business character separate, just use enough of the genuine you to draw in people to you and cut out the chit chat. 

This is your business and your livelihood after all. 

There's an art to social network marketing, and remember you do this to generate qualified leads. You are practicing attraction marketing. Think about those leads. Think about branding yourself. 

You are not socializing here as such, you are building a business. 

When you master the art of social network marketing, you'll be able to create leads on demand and thousands of dollars in commissions, and you will also be able to enroll more people to your opportunity every week than thru most other methods. 

To discover how, click here for more information. I am here to help you. So let's get busy.

Dan Armor

Wednesday, September 28

Growing a Home Network Marketing Business

Thanks largely to the Net and other technological advancements, many people are hungrier than ever to get started building their own home network marketing business. 

Plus there is always the issue of job insecurity thanks to the economy, layoffs and a younger work force content to work for half as much as what you may be worth. 

All those folks looking for jobs are creating a real danger. 

So many companies are dumping steadfast and experienced workers, only to replace them with people who are pleased to accomplish the job for much less than you are being paid! These corporations do not deserve commitment at all, all they care about is their bottom line! 

Home Network Marketing
Home network marketing is something you can start right now, today, even while you have your other job, you can build it up with the purpose of making enough money for you set aside for emergencies, and eventually replace your salary if you get the boot. 

Each week it is estimated over 100,000 folk around the globe start in home network marketing. Unfortunately, potentially just as many people "fail" to make any real money. 

Not because the company isn't reasonable and not because there's not a need for the product or service. 

The most typical reason for failing to build a profitable business is the failure to deal with it like a real business and give it the time, energy and respect it deserves. 

But you aren't like that are you? You've been working for "The Man" for so long and for so many hours every week and are under-compensated and under-appreciated that you can die trying something else. The very ones you would need to be giving that same constant performance to, if you did have your own successful network, would be your own family, your clients, and your downline team and that is it. You'd be "The Man"! 

Think how your life will be different. 

No more going no where fast during rush hour traffic. No more dropping your youngsters off at day care and passing your other half on the way out the door. No more waiting to be informed when you can take 5, eat lunch or schedule a vacation. It all changes now. Here. At this time. Are you ready? 

Can you see that picture in your mind's eye? That's a start! Do you currently have a sales background , do you deal with the general public every day in a sales situation? Wow, you are the ideal applicant. 

If you want to line up a home network marketing business there are variety of things that you will have to do. Don't spend ages fishing around online for good ideas, you could waste precious time and just finish up confused and exasperated. It's extremely easy to waste lots of money too. 

Want a short cut to success? Find somebody in your new home network marketing company who is already making the results and living the way of life you would like. 

Hook up with them. Discover what they are doing and how. Then simply copy their proved model for success. Discover what they do and do a similar thing. Seriously. And while you may have a learning curve before you... This is the ultimate shortcut to success. Trust me, I've been there.

Understand, nobody makes any money until someone buys something. So you should target sales and marketing. To pull this off you will want to put eighty to ninety percent of your time toward getting your items services and business opportunity in front of new people on a consistent and regular basis. 

Concentrate on lead generation and the magic just happens. Here's a great online home network marketing lead generating system we advocate. It's called My Lead System Pro. It will do all of this for you and more, and all on auto pilot.

To your success,
Dan Armor

Tuesday, September 27

Ways to Choose a New Network Marketing Opportunity

Whether you have been in the network marketing business for years or you are only starting, there are a considerable number of factors that should be considered when choosing a new network marketing programme.

When you take into account the thousands of network marketing firms that have already been and gone, you are most probably privy to the quick rise and fall of many network marketing companies.

The brilliant thing about the Web is you can keep an eye fixed on new network marketing programs quite simply. Doing your required research on a network marketing company is not a five minute thing, you have to be certain you will be building your business with the proper company. The network marketing model has been around for years, and it does work, but only if the business is run in the correct way.

This is a speedily changing market-place and you have got to be assured the company you choose won't vanish swiftly, you have to guage the company and its products, which should be something that folks will always need.

Many New Network Marketing Programs Pop up And vanish 

Many new network marketing programs come into existence every month, so you've got to choose carefully. The Net does make it easier though. When you have whittled your choice down to 1 or 2 companies, it's a good idea to keep a close eye on these companies' internet sites and also monitor what folks are saying on blogs. Discover how these companies are advertising, are they using print adverts, television advertising, online Web advertising, or promoting through e-mail marketing? Obviously, the more the company spends on advertising the better it is for you. But be aware that many companies spend way too much of their initial budget on advertising, and consequently fail.

You will have to be taught how to judge blog comments too. 

Regularly you'll get network marketing experts whinging on blogs that they're not making any cash and you've got to see why.

Take some time to raise questions on these blogs, you may find out that these folks have failed because they spend a little more time griping on blogs than really getting out there and working!

If you are New to NM, Keep a Look out for These Problems 

Once you've made your choice, you are going to want some aid and that is another minefield too, there's plenty of shady characters on the web trying to earn money from you, selling all of their "secrets" and "latest" techniques of making money with network marketing, be terribly careful.

If they offer you a course for, say $37 bucks that sounds cost-effective, when you click thru they may tell you want a monthly membership for this, and an entire load of other courses that you simply have to have. That $37 sorcery course may finish up costing a bunch of cash!

Do not get suckered in to all that and do not believe all of the hype. There is no wizardry tablet available so you can be an immediate success at network marketing.

If you're not a risk taker like most people, find a network marketing company that has been successfully trading for a minimum of 5 years. Avoid brand-new network marketing firms, these frequently guarantee big wealth but do not deliver. The truth is masses of network marketing companies fail within their first three years. So that would mean you fail too.

Another major factor to consider is how you can pitch your new network marketing business. It is essential that you have money set aside in the shape of a marketing budget, lots of time to dedicate to building your business, and the facility to build and market an internet site. 

How are you going to generate as satisfactory amount quality leads? One thing you definitely can do to promise success, is to take a look at trusted M.L.M lead production systems, which should minimize your marketing expenses and aid in getting you off to a flying start.

So let's get busy... Let me show you step by step how you can do this and get you paid for it. 
Dan Armor

Monday, September 26

Article Marketing Strategy - Going for Traffic

How to Construct Articles for Maximum Effect 

The way you make your content is no different whenever you create articles for submission to an article promotion service or for your website, maintain that thought in mind for your article marketing strategy. The use of keywords is extremely important for each and every one, and keyword and crucial phrase choices are certainly the way in which readers and Google uncover you giving your site  visitors. Every single keyword ought to be really cautiously chosen, then additional analysis undertaken to see which sites are employing those important phrases. You must usually determine in case you can possibly compete with the best sites that might be utilizing those key phrases as well.

Start Building your Article

If you do not like to write, or think you are not good at writing it is a good idea to spend some time reading some of the top articles in article directories. You'll be able to see how they are written and constructed and how they lead a reader down towards the author bio box at the bottom of the page. The most effective articles include a lot of brief paragraphs and they're written in common language and that includes not employing too many complicated words that your reader could not understand. White space is really essential too. Your reader ought to not be confronted with one thing that looks like a thesis, by having numerous locations which are free from words it will make your article appear to be less difficult and quicker to read. Don't put links to your website or other merchandise inside the body of your article, your article could be rejected. They ought to only be placed inside your author bio box.

Headings Should Be Eye-Catching 

Most folks may not examine all the words within the article. They're looking to find certain important phrases and expressions that can be vital to their principal problem and in the event you can use these in headings your reader can immediately move on to the areas of your article content that interest him most. Powerful titles are important in articles - they ought to be brief and successful.

Body Building

Be specific to use keyword phrases 1 time at the beginning of your article, quite a few times inside the major body of the content (depending on the word count) and soon after that yet another time within the last sentence. A lot of people are on net web sites searching for solutions to concerns or enquiries they have, and so you should make your article enlightening and beneficial, driving the reader down towards the bottom of the page where your author bio, or resource box is. Inside the resource box is normally a call to action, motivating someone to click through for further data. This really is the spot where your lead capture page will be. Despite the fact that you're article writing to appeal to the search engines, don't forget it is individuals who're reading your article. It does get considerably less complicated to follow after you have crafted various articles. Keep a watchful eye on your content often and figure out which ones are obtaining probably the most site visitors and in that way it truly is effortless to construct further articles utilizing that approach. Making use of bullet points also makes content material seem a great deal more attractive in addition... easy to read.

When you have crafted your article one can reword it or “spin” it and submit it to 100s of other article marketing directories. That needs to be a large component of your article marketing strategy. The purpose of rewriting them is so that every single article is diverse to the article directory you submit it to. Google will, only index 1 version of an article and disregard any further copies.

So here's your call to action... Why not get started today, I am at your service, take advantage of it...

Dan Armor

P.S. Feel free to contact me directly... I will personally show you, step by step how it's done.

Sunday, September 25

MLM Leaders - What Do They Know Exactly?

Do all successful MLM leaders know something that we do not know? Are there certain insider systems that only the heavy hitters know which haven't been disclosed?

Reports Flash: MLM leaders don't have a kind of concealed secret that they share inside a secret society of other MLM leaders.

What they have in common is how they've got to where they are right now.

How did they get to be Where they are Today? 

Their business is a business - that can sound easy. They know that starting and managing a business successfully is a major matter. Everything they do to market and move their business along they treat as an investment in their future monetary security, regardless of if at first they only paid a buy-in fee of five bucks! These folk are what are called entrepreneurs. That's the secret they share. They are hard-working, patient and persistent.

They started their businesses with a practical target. They started on their path to achievement, understanding that each step they took would get them to that goal. They make plans, and have goals under consideration. They also understand that success takes considerable time and difficult work. These are the individuals that are out of bed long before us, and still up burning the midnight oil after ordinary folks are sleeping soundly.

The heavy hitters in the MLM industry have taken years in a few cases to build their firms to where they are today, some of them might have failed in the beginning, but because they have the entrepreneurial spirit, they started over knowing that they're going to succeed. They've a positive outlook. They like long odds. They learn from their mistakes.

They work hard. Although they technically may work from home, a lot of them spend large portions of their lives in hotel rooms, on the road or in the air. Many entrepreneurs may suggest that they are not doing much, but even while they're sleeping they are thinking about methods to better promote their enterprises.

MLM leaders will spend the great majority of their time inducting and sponsoring because they understand this is the only actual way to earn money. Just mull it over. The company can only book a profit by moving product, therefore the more folks you have in your downline promoting and selling goods and also hiring others to do the same, the more money you can make.

So can you be an MLM leader? Or course. But here are a few things you should consider

Are you willing to invest 3-5 years to build your business? Are you content to schedule time, each day, to move your business forward? Do you have a destination under consideration? A goal? How about a written plan of action?

How does one intend to sell the products, service and business proposition and train your new team to do the same? What will you do if the economy takes a dip or if your company shuts their doors? What's your plan B?

True MLM leaders will build a big hit business irrespective of what. Failure is simply not an option they entertain.

They focus on promoting. They concentrate on presenting their opportunity new prospects on a regular, consistent basis over an extended period. They focus on becoming the leader folks are looking out for and actually lead their team members to success. 

So do you have what it takes?

If so then let's get busy. Let me show you step by step how to do the very same thing that the heavy hitters do and you too can share in their success.

Until next time,

Dan Armor

Friday, September 23

Can You Make Money with a MLM Home Based Business?

MLM Home Based Business
Many folks every week decide that they'd like to start a home based MLM business. These home based businesses are known to work best for so many of us, they can bring high rewards, and cost little to start.

What you want to Understand about Starting an MLM Business from Home

There are number of facts that you must consider before beginning a multilevel marketing or MLM business. If anybody tells you that starting a business is simple, he has either never had a business himself or he can't remember the long hours it takes to start a successful business.

It is very easy for folks who have been running their own multilevel selling businesses for years to forget precisely how much work is involved, and before you write that check and sign anything, you ought to be aware of a number of facts.

Be aware that there are less than 30 MLM corporations that've been around for over 10 years. There's little wrong with the business model, just that all those firms that have failed simply did not set things up right.

There are 2 most important reasons why those other MLM businesses failed. Number one is usually the product, it was either inferior or too costly, and second, the compensatory schedule was potentially inferior too.

MLM Home Based Businesses Do Your Homework!

Prior to starting any MLM home based business you must examine the company's compensatory plan carefully. Understand it completely and pose questions. Understand the system that they use. Many compensatory schedule systems have names like "Matrix", "Australian One Up", and "Binary", so be certain that you understand precisely what these mean.

Then look at the product. Is it well advertised, is it something nearly everybody would need that they can't easily get in a store, is it good quality and is it enduring? Will folks desire this in five years time? If they don't, then where will you be?

When you have selected the company you would like to join, get on forums and blogs and see how folks are talking about the company. You will encounter many upset distributors who potentially spend more time moaning than doing something to promote their business, they're simply unwilling to put in the work to make their business a hit.

The Facts

If you'd like a successful home-based MLM business you will have to work hard, find out about your product and company and commit a lot of time to your business. It is essential that you find out everything about the business before investing your hard earned money and valuable time into it.

You need to also outline a sales and selling plan to promote both the product and the opportunity - before signing up. Seriously. Because the only real way you may ever make any money is selling the company products, services and hire others to do the same.

If you do not have a plan, you will never make it happen.

Do you have any idea what you need to do to make a regular stream of highly interested prospects to have a look at your wares? Will you build a website and market online? How can you drive traffic? Do you mean to run advertisements or participate in a company or team bankrolled advertising co-op?

What sort of budget have you got to invest into your business? What type of coaching, tools and information will you make 

available to your new team members.

All of these questions must be addressed and answered. Many people make very good incomes from their home based MLM businesses they are the ones who knew what they were getting into at the start, those who go in blind are the majority who fail.

Still have questions? Just ask me, I'm here to help.

Dan Armor

P.S. Did you know Top Earners in MLM have hidden secrets they won't tell you. But I will and for Free!

Wednesday, September 21

How to Generate Free MLM Leads

It just doesn't matter which search engine you use, Google, Yahoo, Bing or any of the others you are sure to find pages of results for firms offering "free MLM leads", it is not peculiar to discover a lead generation company offering up to 10,000 free MLM leads. 

The process of getting these leads is easy. All you have got to do is finish a short form with your name and an email address and you are sent a link where you can download your list.

But hold on, what are you getting? Though you are likely excited to get your new leads, are you sure you are going to get qualified leads? Probabilities are, none of these leads are aimed at your audience, and you may even find your own name on the list!

Free MLM Leads? So you prefer Quantity To Quality? 

A certified lead is worth its weight in gold, give it some thought, is a firm really going to give away such valuable information as the name of someone that is actively looking to start their own business?

Giving away such a valuable lead doesn't make any sense.

Well they don't. They get something in return.

What they get in turn is your contact info and before you know it your name and email address have been sold to every Tom Dick and Harry under the sun, be ready to be bombarded with e-mails daily from many corporations that you have no interest in.

Even if that was not true, in your case, understand that not all mlm leads are created equal. For instance there is a huge difference in quality between a co-registration leads and a telephone verified, long-form surveyed lead. A co-registration lead is often nothing more than the name and e-mail of someone that completed a form to have the chance to win something free. Whereas a phone verified lead might have basically responded to a real business proposition ad and where then called and surveyed to judge their want and ability to actually start a home based business.

The Best Free MLM Leads 

Generating your own leads thru the foundations of attraction promoting is the simplest way to generate a top quality fresh lead. And you don't have to go in the red to do it unless you want to.

For example, write a short informative article that addresses the needs or concerns of your target audience. Place a call to action in the body of your article. Publish and promote. Then let the folks that are actively looking for your product or service or internet marketing opportunity find you and initiate a relationship.

Forums, blogs, and other social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn are excellent places to find an audience.

Make friends, offer your expertise, be helpful and brand yourself by turning into a useful and regular contributor. Attraction selling works by promoting yourself at first, pushing your product comes later when folks have learned how to trust and like you.

After a while you will have created relationships with individuals that are really enthusiastic about your product and opportunity, and via attraction promoting you have truly created your own qualified MLM leads.

Dan Armor

P.S. If you would like more information along with free coaching and guaranteed results, send me a note or Click Here.

Tuesday, September 20

Article Marketing Service for Backlinks

Looking for an article marketing service? Should you be interested in driving a lot more targeted traffic to your web web site, web log, videos or other online properties you may need to contemplate outsourcing both content creation and distribution to any number with the larger article marketing service providers. The value is twofold. Initial, a nicely written informative article will tend to attract folks actively searching for that type of data now. Meaning it attracts hot prospects and potential buyers. A second powerful benefit to huge article and content material distribution, although less obvious, is it can aid your original content material to rank higher on the search engines on account of automatically increasing the quantity of backlinks to your internet site, web log, videos or other properties.

Outsource an Article Marketing Service 

In spite of the benefits, there are a few possible challenges in terms of content material marketing. For starters, you might not like or be particularly skilled at researching, writing and editing articles. Or, maybe, you simply don't have the time. Then you have to factor in distribution because the objective is always to get as several unique versions of your content material posted, published and promoted to several diverse directories, blogs and other Web properties as achievable. The wider the distribution, the greater the opportunity you will see a nice spike in visitors.

Article Marketing Software to the Rescue 

Picture how much more new visitors, leads and sales you can get in the event you could spread your benefit-rich message across literally hundreds, even thousands of internet sites, blogs and article directories. Now envision in case you could do this with just several straightforward clicks of your mouse. Sound impossible? It is not. Enter Article Marketing Robot, a software program article marketing service solution which does precisely that. You merely paste in a copy of your article, click distribute and sit back and let the robot go about the company of submitting your content all across the internet inside several short minutes.

I Spin but I am Exclusive 

Many people who employ an article marketing service or use automated software program like Article Marketing Robot still have a tendency to take short-cuts which, within the long run, can truly decrease site visitors over time. Essentially the most vital mistake isn't taking the time necessary to create sure each and every piece of content material being published across the world wide web is at least 30% special and readable. If much less than 30% exclusive, you have simply wasted your time due to the fact the search engines don't index or rank duplicate content material. And if the "spun" content material is unreadable, it makes you and your company appear bad. So invest the time to make sure the copy produced by AMR is both unique and readable.

Dan Armor

P.S. Are you interested in free training. You can get all this and more at My Lead System Pro. 

Friday, September 16

Your Wish Is Your Command: what is this highly publicised secret?

A lot of people these days are searching for means to gain prosperity and wealth, and to be in a position to lead a meaningful life.

But can a series of 10 audio CDs actually change your life and give you the infinite secret to earning $10,000 in 24 hours or $100,000 in 90 days?

Is Kevin Trudeau's Your Wish is Your Command program actually be the key to gaining infinite wealth that anybody would die to have?

These are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the program. This is going to help you decide later as to whether purchasing the product is a sound investment or not.

The Benefits of Your Wish Is Your Command 

There are folks who really do accept t
he L.O.A (Laws of Attraction), which simply boils down to you getting what you want if you actually want it. Whatever it is: a hunky new partner, sounder health, enormous wealth - you get the point, and according to Mr. Trudeau after listening to his CDs you can better attract those things you truly want. 

Mr. Trudeau asserts that everything that has been written before about the law of attraction is just a taste of what is to come in his course.

This course sets out to give new insights about maximizing the so-called powers of the L.O.A. The set relies on a series of lectures that were recorded by Kevin Trudeau and for which guests paid $10,000 each! Bearing in mind the cost of this course is only $300, it could seem like a comprehensive bargain. Mr. Trudeau also claims that a few of these so-called secrets were gained while an affiliate of certain secret societies who use the law of attraction to become fabulously well off.

The Cons 

For several years, the program has been available but there's no certain evidence as to whether the program works or not.

There aren't any material manifestations or tangible tools presented in order to prove that earning $10,000 in twenty-four hours is feasible. When buying this sort of instructional audio books, one should be aware of the undeniable fact that they're bare tools to help one in realizing his dreams or desires. It isn't like buying a miraculous item, for example a ring or a lamp with a genie that'll be in a position to grant all your wishes in a moment.

While the law of attraction can hurry along the process of achieving wealth, this can be an insurmountable problem if one will not do something and work tirelessly to meet and exceed goals.

It is difficult to establish if Your Wish is Your Command is really worth the investment or not. One may need o purchase the item so as to see what the techniques are.

These secrets may be the key to tap one's potential in achieving success and riches.

But these methods will only work on a case-to-case basis. Obtaining access to a concept is not enough, taking positive action and making that idea work by taking positive steps and working diligently is still the final secret to being wealthy and successful. 

For me it's putting the "work" back into work from home. Oh, and of course, having the right tools and training sure does help.

Dan Armor
P.S. If you are interested in what works for me, Click here.

Thursday, September 15

Tribe Marketing - There is Power in Community

Unarguably "Tribe Marketing" is a marketing method that attempts to create social groups or communities that are centered around a service or product.

But to the shrewd business owner, tribe marketing can suggest much much more than this. Here's a short list of potential benefits:

* Automated Backlink Syndication
* Automated Facebook Integration
* Automated Twitter Integration
* Automated Blog User Collusion
* Automated SEO Processes
* Automated Live Traffic Systems
* Increased ROI

A Deeper Look at Tribe Marketing

It doesn't matter if your business is offline or internet-based, the goal of each business intending to earn a profit is to gain more targeted exposure for their goods and services to make more sales. Lessen expenses and raise profits.

Historically this has done by actively promoting the content via forums, social bookmarking, tweeting, sharing on Facebook and employing a spread of tools to extend the number of back-links to extend the prospects of getting the content to rank higher in the search site search results page.

Today, thanks largely to fresh technical advances online, you are now able to embrace tribe marketing and literally team up with dozens, hundreds, even thousands of other online marketers to help lessen advertising costs and significantly boost your exposure online thru social media syndication.

Tribe marketing is a great content syndication platform. Call it... Automated Social Media Marketing on Steroids

To make use of the tribe marketing concept you need to be ready and able to mechanically share other member's content thru a spread of social media networks. The idea is the content you share, the more content your tribe marketing team members will share of yours.

Tribe marketing is really a 21st century co-operative marketing idea who time's arrived.

How do marketing specialists benefit exactly? 

Getting your value-based content and sales offers to rate high on the major search engine results page ( SERPS ) is the holy grail when it comes to attracting highly targeted prospects and possible clients.

And while many considerations make a contribution to how well your content ranks, perhaps the strongest factor are backlinks from other authority websites and pages.

Also, since your content is really being "shared" through real people actual marketing accounts - you should expect your message to be read and acted on by real people as well . Your content will be seen by potential prospects and customers and this will drive real traffic.

One of the least obvious benefits are the potential relationships you create in your marketing tribe. Like you, these folk are marketing pros always planning to increase profitability so think "partnership potential" and collaborations.

Tribe Marketing Set Up Process 

You have 2 basic choices. You can set up your own "tribe" and distribution processes or you can join an existing tribe with a full-blown system already in effect.

Making your tribe and distribution channel will be a massive venture. Think loads of domains, hundreds of programme installs, massive IT and heaps of admistrative work on the back-end. This option is just not viable for most promoters.

Or if you do not require the headache and trouble of administering your own tribe marketing system, you may want to test out

Tribepro offers a free trial account and it is easy to get started with tiny, if any, costs. Later , if you like what you see, you can upgrade to one of two auto syndication options (dependent on how much marketing you need to do) and put the whole campaign on autopilot.

It's dynamic once set up and established.... Happy Marketing,

Dan Armor

P.S. If you want a simple step by step way to to build an on-line presence Click Here to learn about the only Government approved way to make money on Facebook (you will need to authorize the app to see the video)

Wednesday, September 14

The Science of Getting Rich - the Real McCoy

Although The Science of Getting Rich was made public over a century ago, there are many handy tips within it for those who are battling to build better enterprises and build better lives for themselves, their family and society in total.

You achieve what you have, fundamentally by carrying out things in a particular manner and people who are prosperous are going to apply the beliefs to additional enterprises and in most cases keep growing prosperous. Individuals that have not discovered how to use these techniques irrespective of how conscientiously they work or how committed to their careers they are, will hardly ever become rich. Wallace Wattles affirms in this book that anyone that can discover the right approach can simply become wealthy.

Tell Me More! 

Understanding how to go about things that can make you rich is the key and that key according to Mr.Wattles is in your head. The principles are very similar to Steve Pavlina's ideas in his Law of Attraction.

You are in command of what you do so if you're constantly failing and doing things wrong, it is time to address the reasons why. The explanations for failure are nearly always in your own unconscious mind. Inversely, individuals that are terribly successful appear to be born with this power of positive thinking and become entrepreneurs as soon as they can.

The Science of Growing Rich was written so that folks could achieve a positive fashion of thinking, a sense of self worth and take that attitude out into their everyday lives to achieve wealth.

The Power of Human Will 

Your will is why you do everything you do, and, the reason why you cannot do things. Will is the reason a large amount of people are awake before the alarm goes off, while others hit the sleep button - thus they're running behind all the time.

The first people are packed with expectation and enthusiasm for the day ahead and the second are thinking negatively, and unless they actually have a bunch of money or have won the lottery, all those people will not usually become prosperous.

Download Your Free Copy Today 

The Science of Getting Rich can be found here today positively free in .pdf format. This book has empowered lots of people, as well as Rebecca Fine who's applied the basic principles behind her book "The Secret" and created a coaching course that has been brought to nearly every country across the globe, provoking individuals to make an effort and change their technique of thinking to positive.

A massive number of people have experienced amazing benefits as a result of adopting the advice contained in the Science of Getting Rich.

It is straightforward to become ruthless these days with the great quantity of methods and plans there available about achieving private success, but this book might have simply fallen into obscurity if it did not contain such a great deal of amazing information. Download your copy of The Science of Getting Rich today and discover why this book is still being republished after a century.

To your new found success,

Dan Armor

P.S. If you want a simple step by step way to to build an on-line presence Click Here to learn about the only Government approved way to make money on Facebook (you will need to authorize the app to see the video)

Saturday, September 10

Best Quality Free Leads for MLM

The easiest method to get free leads for Multi-Level Marketing enterprises is as simple as leaving comments on blogs and forums which are highly relevant to the products you're marketing.

When you're just beginning in MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING you want to try and comment on all the good blogs you can find. Not all comments you write are going to be published by the moderator, neither will each reply mean a click though to your internet site, initially only a few will. The fastest methodology for finding blogs that'll be highly relevant to your products is going to be by pasting this term into your Search box:

site: inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “your product”

This essentially means the term blog is incorporated in the URL and you can publish a comment while not having to sign in. The minus means Google will disregard any blogs in which are not open for comments, and where you must be signed in.

Obviously "your product" is anything you are promoting.

Go Where the Crowds Go

Give consideration to the dates of posts - you do not want to waste your time and effort posting comments on deserted and detested blogs and forums. If you have the SEOQuake tool bar on your P.C, this will give the Page Ranking of the blog you are looking at. PR ( page rank ) goes from nil to 9, if you can participate on blogs which have a website page rank above two or 3 the worth from the link you receive in return is far better than a zero or "not ranked" and Google will focus on that.

The greater the number of participators inside a blog the better chance you'll have to leave comments. If you leave your comment make absolutely sure it's handy. Your blog master is providing you with a useful link so leave something valuable in exchange. A worthless comment isn't any benefit to the blog master and it will be trashed which means you have wasted your effort and time. Sometimes, should you leave a great comment, it might be refused. Remember,  you are subject to that blog master's whims. Because of this you'll need to spends lots of hours each week blogging. The benefit is you'll get backlinks for your website even when you don't get people enrolling but which will bring your website up in the ratings.

"Do Follow" Blogs 

Many sites permit you to post a comment but then don't permit you to leave links back to your own site. Move on to the ones that do.

You'll be able to post a comment if the name of the commenter is in blue or click-able and some blogs allow you to put 2 links on a comment, one being a direct connect back to your site. If you'd like to get leads then you must funnel the ones that do click your link to a lead capture page where you can obtain their e-mail to add to your growing list. Book mark all of the blogs that you have visited and you will soon form a relationship with others that visit those blogs. Your aim is to make yourself appear well informed and trustworthy. They may not click on your link or sign up today but the more frequently you leave good comments the likelier they'll at last click thru and opt in on your website.

Be insistent you will soon be getting those free leads for Mlm! 

My Lead System Pro offers full blown mlm prospecting system you can start using immediately. It is not a turnkey solution but, rather, a tool designed to give you both the platform you need to publish and promote content – you also get insider training and very valuable content you can use as a give away to attract your target market.

Dan Armor

Friday, September 9


Without leads no business online or off can achieve success, so understanding how to form highly targeted leads is going to be the powerhouse behind your successful business.

But not all leads are made equal and not all lead generation processes are born equal. A sub-standard lead can cost a lot more than it seems at first sight.

As an example, if leads have not been qualified in the selling process then you may yourself squandering time on unqualified and disinterested prospects.

Your sales response figures drop, and business declines. It is a vicious spiral.

Lead generation is going to be something you've got to do every day and you have got to learn to generate quality leads efficiently. Offline you may spend a lot of hours meeting prospects and driving to and from appointments and making calls. If one of your methods of prospecting is gathering paper through forms and fliers, all this info has to be interpreted and transcribed into a database. More info in the form of leaflets must be mailed and then there's the qualifying process that must be gone thru, adding more time and cost. Back office staff in the sales department then has to process the lead thru to ( hopefully ) a successful closing.

Online lead generation looks to be much more simple on the face of it, but if you're the owner of your own Mlm or internet marketing company, you know that simply ain't so. Instead of fishing in a sea searching for the right fish, you are fishing in a massive sea of folks, none of whom have heard about you, or your tiny little business!

There aren't many companies that do not need an initial investment to get it going, and glaringly the more capital you can invest the quicker your business can take off and which will mean outsourcing the pointless roles or things you're not capable of doing yourself. Advertising at some specific point will always pull in more leads, if it's done correctly.

If you have built your attractive web site and you follow all the tried and tested methods of success, like adding articles frequently, answering e-mails promptly, employing auto responders and having a prominent opt-in box, and you have built tons of backlinks through article submissions, blogs and social media sites, why the heck aren't you making any money?

If you are like 97% of all internet marketers at about that point, you will doubtless be thinking about giving up and going back to the world of offline selling.

You were good at it. But there aren't any jobs! The people in line before you are folks that are even more qualified than you are!

I may scrape up some cash. I should buy some leads. You would be better off buying groceries. Which companies can you trust will be the first question, as the better the leads are the more pricey they will be, and only 1 conversion will be one expensive loss-producing lead. You have just spent the last of your money and now you can not buy any product to promote!

How about a lead generation system that has been shown to work for thousands and is straightforward to carry out and allows you to stay in control of your business? No passing the lead around like a squalling baby it's yours from beginning to end.

What about a system that keeps you on the leading edge of inventive and effective lead generation that can put your business back on its feet fast? What about My Leads System Pro... it works for me, it will work for you. Ask me how, I am more than happy to help.

Dan Armor

Thursday, September 8


Marketing Ideas
for Small Business
Small businesses are going under by the dozens every day in this tough economy, but there are many free or lower cost selling ideas emerging for the small business. Little outlets will continue to fail as retailers like Walmart and Target continue to tough it out for market domination by offering ludicrously acceptable prices on everything from clothing to electronics to food. 

When small businesses fall victim to this insurmountable competition, folks lose their livelihoods and communities lose valuable resources. So how is a small business to stay afloat in these difficult times? 

Folks who have a "bricks and mortar" business have their battle in their hands especially if they sell anything which is sold by these giant chains. In order to promote the product successfully, you've got to be an expert and unique in what you do and provide best client services to draw in and keep shoppers. 

Those are 3 of the things these big box stores don't offer: uniqueness, experience and true consumer service. 

Personally I usually try and buy at small local businesses, because they are the spine of a community and they are regularly more well informed and useful than large stores, where you are fortunate if you can get any help at all! Besides, I like the personal connection I get from the smaller stores, not  to mention the personal attention.

Google is doing everything to encourage small local businesses to get an internet site. If you have a highly specialized business your internet site can, right away, become number one when anyone searches for Your City and your specialty service. This one simple minimal cost promoting solution can bring in lots of new consumers. For a small fee you may be listed in local directories, your local Chamber of Commerce and on Angie's list, which should sum up to more visibility and less cost than any pricey mag or weekly newspaper ad, and let's not forget about mobile web access. 

Many small business owners are also convinced that starting and maintaining a site will cost them a lot of money and is tough. Offering cheap web site construction and upkeep for small local businesses has changed into a small-scale industry in itself. 

Tiny local businesses must have a domain offering a brief outline of who they are, what they offer, what they concentrate on doing, a map to where they are found, opening hours and contact numbers and an e-mail address. Any successful use of income-producing Google Adwords and affiliate advertising on those sites, can become a very nice added bonus. By offering an opt-in box, a small business website owner can make a list, and then offer discounts and special offers to those subscribers by initiating a marketing campaign. 

It is kind of hard for online businesses to market their products. There is stiff competition and thus they have to use various online marketing ideas for small business and SEO strategy, particularly to build a subscribers list. 

The approval for a site shows a number of things : the website's age, the amount of backlinks the site has, the price and relevancy of its content and the consistency in updating the website. 

A business website must provide excellent consumer service, beneficial information and market itself as a unique brand like every other small high street business. All of these marketing ideas for small business are nothing apart from attraction marketing or inspiring promoting. 

So what are you waiting for... Let's get busy!

Dan Armor

Wednesday, September 7

Market America Incorporated - Can You Still Make Money?

Have you been considering joining Market America Inc? And have you been actively looking around for info on the company?

Like me, you probably noticed there are loads of "Market America Reviews" when you performed a search. Has what you found about the company been troubling you? Is Market America a good company to get involved with?

According to the Market America Incorporated site, JR Ridinger and his spouse Loren Ashley founded the company in 1992. The company specializes in the retail sale of mostly consumable beauty and fitness products.

Market America is basically Internet based and operates through a network marketing distribution model. And it looks to be doing quite well. Over 3 billion dollars of products have been shipped from their up to the minute Greensboro, NC warehouse facilities, and employs over 5 hundred people globally with world operations in the US, Australia, Canada, HK and Taiwan.

Negative Marketing America Reviews

You may quickly find that failed Market America distributors author a considerable number of the sites. In some other cases a negative heading is employed simply as a way of getting you through to an internet site, where the negative attitude quickly disappears, the title to these supposed reviews are simply a method to get you onto the web page. The individual writing them is often a successful distributor for Market America Incorporated, who then goes on to tell you the company's opportunity will help you and your family financially, followed by a link so you can get additional info about joining the writer's team.

Company records indicate there are over 180,00 active "Un-franchised Business Owners" or distributors across the world. Over one billion dollars in retail commissions have been paid out and distributors have earned over 2 billion dollars over time.

Of course, not every distributor who has joined the company has made a reasonable profit. But success in building any business is based entirely on the quantity of effort each individual put into growing his or her own business.

So you may find a few disgruntled distributors claiming Market America is a sting but you've got to take these reports with a grain of salt and consider the source. Like most network marketing opportunities, Market America Inc has a minimum monthly product purchase requirement in place to qualify your business to accrue and receive commissions.

To get a full share, you have to purchase 200BV worth of the product. BV (Business Volume) is approximately eighty p.c for every wholesale one dollar you spend. You can make a percentage on all retail product sold and also a commission for BV amassed by you and your team.

The compensation plan is what's usually called a binary plan where you build one team divided up into 2 parts. You earn commissions when certain volume requirements are met.

Are you Ready to Totally commit to Running your own Business?

It is blazingly obvious Market America Incorporated is a valid company with wonderful products, worldwide distribution and a fair compensatory plan. But that does not necessarily mean the opportunity is right for you and your family.

It is unimportant what the sponsor tells you about Market America's opportunity, any network marketing business involves marketing, not only product, but also building a downline and presenting the opportunity to countless other people. If you do not go out and promote the products, nobody makes any money. These products have to be marketed to the common public. Unless you are successful, nobody will be interested in joining your business till you are actually capable of marketing it effectively.

So the question begs:

How does one propose to advertise, market and push your new business? Once you've introduced the product and opportunity to family, friends and co-workers - then what?

Do you have any sales and marketing experience? Do you know ways to effectively market the company-replicated site? How can you drive future customer and prospects to the net store? These are all questions much more important to answer because the bottom line isn't what you read about in any Market America review - it is what YOU will do with your new Market American business.

So if you are really serious about getting involved with an MLM business, there is only one program I recommend (and is used by some of the biggest producers in the industry) and that is My Lead System Pro. They are amazing! MLSP gives you all the tools we discussed along with all of insider advanced training you can use to generate the kind of traffic we just talked about to your site. How do I know... MLSP helped make it happen for my MLM Business.