Thursday, October 27

The simplest way to Choose a Really Good Network Marketing System

Network Marketing
Every month tens of thousands of people invest their hard-earned money to join a network marketing company with the hopes of earning a few extra dollars working part-time from the comfort of their home. 

By the end of their third month in business, 70% or more pull the plug and quit, often in worse financial shape than when they started. 

It's sad but it is accurate. The very worst of it is, it just does not have to be like that. The difference between succeeding and failing in network marketing boils down to just not finding a good network marketing system that will do most of the work and ease a lot of the burden. 

Tools Are Not a Network Marketing System 

Many new network marketing entrepreneurs confuse tools with systems, and this can be a pricey mistake. They suspect that tools are a marketing system, but that just isn't correct. 

A good network marketing system will employ several different tools, but any tool will be absolutely pointless unless it is a component of a totally integrated series of processes which are built to achieve a measurable result. 

As an example, your company could hand out DVDs that contain an awesome show that will in itself generate interest in your product or opportunity. But if you would like to give these out and not do anything else, they'd be pretty much pointless as the idea isn't just to give away free DVDs but to collect information from folks who've seen these DVDs and got involved in your products and opportunity, and who would like to learn more. 

A webinar event hosted by heavy hitters in the business is great as a sponsoring tool. It is going to be utterly worthless when offered on its own and not part of a series of steps which should be taken including registration and gathering of prospects' info for follow-up. 

Below Is a Real instance of a Network Marketing System 

**Systems need to be a sequence of steps engineered to produce a desired result. 

**So a good online network marketing system will be a complete process using organic search site strategies, following these steps: 

Use specific market research tools to select a target audience with an expressed need for your items services or opportunity. (E.g, "stay at home moms") 

By employing a search site keyphrase analysis tool, you'll establish which keywords and phrases folk are using to find info in your selected niche. In the example they might be words like "diet", or "how to lose weight". 

With the employment of tools you then should figure how many webpages, articles, adverts, and blog posts are competing for these particular search terms, and then a term or keyword chosen which will have the highest chance of success. 

Write or outsource the writing of an information problem / solution article. 

These articles can be by hand submitted individually to article marketing sites, or they can be submitted to a tool such as a service who will submit these for you. 

Article marketing should be performed by employing pings, social bookmarking tools or by securing high PR backlinks. 

This shows the steps that are contained in a total online network marketing system, it's a series of steps built to produce a desired end result. In this example these steps have been brought to get a new webpage to rank in the search site results pages, using keywords that are directed especially at a target audience. 

When the system is followed the result will be a torrent of carefully targeted traffic to your website where you would also have in place another series of steps, or system to gain the interest of your prospects, which will lead them to opt in and receive more information about your product or opportunity. 

Turnkey Network Marketing System 

Clearly the fastest way to success is by finding an entirely integrated network marketing system that will produce all the results for which you're looking. Do be certain you are simply not investing in one more stand-alone tool that'll be completely ineffective if it does not work within your system. 

There's one that we do endorse it's called My Lead System Pro and is used by some of the biggest in the industry. Learn what they say about HERE. Still need help? Ask me, I am here to help.

Dan Armor

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